
We can supply anything and everything by way of implements and machinery for any make and model of tractor, from a simple transport box right up to a round baler and black wrapper, if you wish to be so sophisticated !!

We manufacture all AGRI – MECH items ourselves, in our own workshop in Matlock; such items include….

Post Knockers – Rollers – Transport Boxes – Mounted Chain Harrows – Watering Systems – Log Splitters……..

In addition, we are the main UK Importers of Frontoni machinery.  This long established family company, which is based in Cortemagiore in Northern Italy manufacture fantastic top of the range flail mowers, verge mowers and hedge cutters.  There is a machine suitable for any make and model of tractor within their range.  We are also the main UK Importer of Eco Tecnicas back actors.  They manufacture top quality rear diggers for every tractor from 18hp right up to 200 hp!

We also have trading relationships with Agrint machinery, Beaconsfield Products, Del Morino,  Evans & Reid, Granit Products, Martin Lishman, Oxdale Products, Tomlin Agriculture and other high quality manufacturers.

The big advantage we have is that we are farmers too – running a small beef herd of Charolais / Limoisin cross animals, so we use what we sell and don’t sell anything we either haven’t or wouldn’t use ourselves, so you, our customers are guaranteed a quality tested purchase!!

Please click on the link below to download our machinery catalogue…. (whilst this is not comprehensive as to all the machines we have, it will give you an insight into what is available.  Please call Les Waterfall on 07850 9312040 for any help and advice on machinery or land management issues.